No, please, not a photo shoot…

If there is one exercise that most bands dislike, it’s posing for a group photo. My band mates in Hey Annie are no exception. It was not pretty when I made the announcement at our band rehearsal that we needed to avail ourselves for a Press Release photo shoot. My directive was met with groans of agony, and plenty of weird suggestions of how to make the exercise one that would live on in infamy as an overall terrible experience. Sometimes, band management can be like herding cats.

The guys were cracking jokes about heading out to the train trestle, or standing on the tracks all clad in leather. Or maybe just keeping it simple and going the Red Hot Chili Peppers route and buying a bag of Costco tube socks. Now, I know that nobody wants to see Hey Annie in just tube socks, right?

Thankfully, I am blessed to know so many talented and creative folks in the Michiana area. One of my oldest, and dearest friends, is the amazingly talented photographer, Matt Cashore. When Hey Annie needed a group photo for a press release, I knew that Matt was just the guy to tackle the situation…and I was right. No train trestles, no tracks, no leather…and no tube socks. Great job, Matt!

Check out Matt’s photos of us cats in Hey Annie at:

And see a sampling of Matt’s talented eye at:

Rock on!

– Mark


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