March 2021

It’s been a year…

I feel ashamed to say that, but it has been a year since my last blog post. And ironically, the last blog was about keeping the momentum. It was hard to keep the spirits buoyed while the pandemic was busy crashing everything around us.

To be safe, we sheltered in place, worked from home, had groceries delivered, skipped gatherings with friends and families, scheduled gigs but dropped them when gathering guidelines grew restrictive. For our band, 30 to 40 gigs a year was our normal pace. In 2020, we played eight gigs. Now, I left all of the actual bookings on our Tour Dates page, but the ones that have More Info indicate that they were cancelled due to Covid-19 protocols. I did this mainly to remind myself that I gave it a good try, but we err’d on the side of safety and science.

We are into our third month of 2021, and we did play a gig last month. But we were elevated on the second level above a free play arcade. Everyone was masked up, and socially distancing. And I am currently in my 90 day to seven months bubble of immunity, having had Covid the first week of January.

As I post this, the calendar looks bare, but there is a lot of chatter on scheduling. I’ll book us, as long as we can perform safely. And that’s the way we are all living in this age of the pandemic – safely and smartly.

I hope to see you at a gig soon, in the meantime let’s all be safe out there.

Much Love,
